Saturday, May 31, 2014

Installation of JDK and Notepad++

Well, guys we are aware of the list of items need to learned to become automation tester mentioned in my last post "Want to switch your career from 'Manual testers' to 'Web Test Automation'?".

We will start with installation of JDK 1.6 + and Notepad ++. We have decided to learn the automation from the scratch to scratch our head :)

We will start with basic programming, where we are not going to use any IDE (integrated development Environment, like Eclipse/Net-beans, etc.,)  until we strong with the basics.
Download files from:
Click here to download JDK.
Click here to download Notepad++

So please install the JDK 1.6 and above version, also install Notepad++. Choose the right version of JDK based on you system configuration (32/64 Bit processor), then you need to set the JDK path in the "Environment Variables".

Follow the below steps to setup the JDK path in the "Environment Variables". (Here example is given for Windows -7)
1. Right click on the Computer in start up menu
2. Click on the properties, you will be taken to Control panel home page
3. Now click on the "Advance System settings" link will open the "System properties" popup
4. Now click on the Advance tab and click on the "Environment variable" button, JDK path.

Note: Already some other path might be there then dont delete it, otherwise it will cause an issue with other application which are already added in the path, instead of that go to end and enter a semicolon (;) and include your local JDK path and save.

After following above steps, then how do you check the Java is installed in your machine or not?

Follow the below steps
1. Go to start menu and type the 'CMD' on the run field.
2. You will get DOS command prompt - command line interpreter
3. Enter the command  'java -version' and  hit ENTER button (dont forget to add one space after word 'java' and no space after hyphen, otherwise you end up with error)

Now you have successfully installed JDK and ready to work on the Basic programming.


  • What is JDK - Java Development Kit - which is required to compile the program.
  • What is JVM - Java virtual machine - This is an environment where java program can be compiled and executed. 
  • What is JRE - java Run-time Environment - This  is required Java program execution or Run time environment. 

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